Compile GEOS-Chem
• GEOS-Chem uses a GNU Make system
• It has a nested configuration that all rely on options
– has library options
– Headers/define.h has model options
• Review Headers/define.h
– lines starting with `!` are comments
– lines starting with `#` are special commands
Exercise 1: Git a version of the GEOS-Chem Code
1. Login to HPC using putty
2. Change directories to your scratch directory (`cd /scratch/lfs/user/geos-chem`)
3. Make a code directory by executing `mkdir code'
4. change directories to your code directory (cd code)
5. execute `git clone git:// Code.v9-01-03`
6. execute `git checkout tags/Fix_for_IFORT12`
7. Now, compare the line you excuted with the git help on clone (`git help clone`)
8. Using the words from the SYNOPSIS help section, what are the two arguments following the `clone` command? __________ and ________________
Exercise 2: Compile GEOS-Chem
1. Login to HPC using putty
2. Change directories to your scratch directory (`cd /scratch/lfs/user/geos-chem`)
3. execute `make help`
4. Review and formulate a make command (do not look ahead):
(a) write your command: _______________________________
(b) What errors do you get?: _____________________________
5. GEOS-Chem is under rapid development and the `make` options are only so-so documents
6. execute: `cd bin; ln -s $(which nc-config); ln -s $(which nf-config); cd ..`
(a) describe what these commands did: _______________________
7. execute: `cd lib; ln -s /apps/hdf5/1.8.9-intel/lib/libhdf5* ./; ln -s /apps/netcdf/4.2-intel/lib/libnetcdf* ./; cd ..`
(a) describe what these commands did: _______________________
8. execute: `MET=geos5 GRID=4x5 GC_LIB=$PWD/lib GC_INCLUDE=/apps/netcdf/4.2/include/ GC_BIN=$PWD/bin/ COMPILER=ifort OMP=yes make`